Meet Kaitlin

Hello! I am Kaitlin Lemke, and I would love to represent you on the Wauwatosa School Board. Please read about me below and feel free to email me with any questions you may have. I look forward to continuing to advocate for the bright future of Wauwatosa schools.
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A little bit about me. I’m married to a wonderful man, the mom to four children, a cat named Jack Sparrow, and a labradoodle named Taylor Swift. Next year, I will have a child in every level of Wauwatosa public schools, from Junior Kindergarten all the way to high school! I have lived in Wauwatosa my entire life and am a proud graduate of Wauwatosa East.

I have had a split career in education, taking time off in the middle to stay home with my children. Before having all my children, I worked as a 4th-grade teacher, a middle school teacher, and finally an Academic Dean. Once my children started attending school full-time, my passion for public education brought me back to the middle school setting, where I am currently teaching in a neighboring district.

As my children grew, I looked for ways to get involved in their education. I joined numerous district committees, attended many meetings, and love volunteering in their schools. We are involved in gymnastics, Titans baseball, and Tosa soccer. I also co-advise my school’s ski club, so you can often find us on a ski hill in the winter.

When COVID hit, I began regularly attending (mostly virtual) Wauwatosa School Board meetings to become more informed about Wauwatosa Schools. I have remained involved ever since. I have a near-perfect attendance record for my service on the Strategic Planning Committee in 2022, Safety Committee in 2023, Superintendents 2075 Task Force in 2024, and was asked to serve on the current strategic planning committee, which I am actively a part of. I am a passionate person who is willing to dedicate time to the school district. I honor my commitments and go all in when I believe something is important.

I am especially passionate about early literacy and foundational math skills because they are necessary building blocks for success and well-being. As a certified math teacher and former math team coach, I truly believe that math can open doors for kids.

I am running for school board because I see an opportunity to advocate for better educational outcomes for Wauwatosa students, a happier and more focused work environment for educators, and greater accountability in our spending to ensure funds are prioritized for students and staff in classrooms. My background combines classroom experience and a detailed understanding of the school district, which equips me to support a strong district vision and help build a roadmap to maximize our full potential.

I look forward to the opportunity to be your advocate on the Wauwatosa School Board!

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